Children and Families Worker

by | 6 Aug, 2024

We are looking for someone to continue and develop our ministry and outreach to Children and Families. This is an established post, taking up the continuing challenge of finding ways of passing on the Christian faith both to those whose parents are part of the church and to others in the community too.

  • We are looking for someone with an enthusiasm to lead, enable and develop our ministries to children and families, offering biblical teaching and
    social activities to help build a life-long faith in Christ and to encourage personal growth.
  • Ideally, we would like to appoint a candidate with maturity and experience in this area of ministry, to take a significant responsibility for strategy, co-ordination, and encouraging & equipping volunteers. We are however also open to candidates at a much earlier stage in their lives and professional development, and a job description will be tailored to fit the individual appointed.
  • We expect the candidate’s strengths and passions to impact significantly on how the role is carried out, utilising any particular gifts, talents and skills e.g. music, drama, art or crafts, sport etc. We are also open to the agreed job description allowing those with experience in other areas to use these skills as well (e.g. preaching, speaking at all age services, adult pastoral ministry, women’s pastoral ministry)

Download the full job description here.

For more information on this vacancy please email your details to

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